Zeno Tornado & Fast Louiez - Radioshow Sam Stagmorgen - Samstag 21 September 2019
Radio Rabe Randweg 21 Bern

Happy Monday y’all. It’s a new month and a new musical muse for Sam Stagmorgen. After house and home it’s time to focus on the theme of family. Our lineup of live acts is amazing: Mighty Mo Rogers, Judith Owen, William White, Raul Huerta, Louis Schornoz, Zeno Tornado, Akina McKenzie, and more to be announced.Thanks for turnin on and tunin in every Saturday for the coolest morning show in town streaming on Radio RaBe from 8 to 11 a.m. CET – gesegnet mit Baba Guldimann und Mark Stenzler hier: Radio RaBe.
Past Shows in this Location
- 21 09 2019 – Radioshow Sam Stagmorgen